You Can Save Money
10 Compelling Reasons to Use Content Marketing: Week 10
We all have budgets and know we can’t always hire a full-time writer to generate original content. We also know that your team is busy. Have you asked one of your co-workers to write an article for your trade association magazine lately? That's where content marketing comes in.
By taking the steps necessary to develop and implement a content marketing strategy, you save money in the long run by creating evergreen pieces of content that help build brand awareness and attract customers simultaneously. With content marketing, you not only save money on the labor costs associated with writing original content, but you’ll also save money on traditional advertising expenses.
Developing quality content will help attract potential customers more organically than expensive paid search campaigns. Plus, research has shown that content marketing generates about three times as many leads per dollar as outbound marketing—and costs 62% less! Furthermore, content marketing will yield more sustainable results than other forms of digital marketing, such as PPC, display ads, email campaigns, etc.
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